What are R Packages?

R Packages

  1. Sets of Functions
  2. Set of Functions + Documentation
  3. Set of Functions + Documentation + Data
  4. Set of Functions + Documentation + Data + Vignettes
  5. Set of Functions + Documentation + Data + Vignettes + Versions
  6. Set of Functions + Documentation + Data + Vignettes + Versions + Dependencies

Starting Up

Use RStudio and the devtools package. It's easier.


In RStudio, File -> New Project -> New Directory -> R Package, with a name:

  • must start with letter
  • no underscores
  • periods allowable or use CamelCase
  • can have numbers

Setting Up

Go to Build -> Configure Build Tools

Add --as-cran to "Check Package" (useful later)

Setting Up

Click Generate documents with Roxygen. If that is gray, install roxygen2:


Click "Configure" - click all the boxes.

Configuring the Setup

  • Delete the man folder
  • roxygen2 will create the documentation automatically
  • Delete NAMESPACE file (we will discuss later)
  • roxygen2 will create the documentation automatically


In the RStudio project, go to "Go to file/function" search bar on the menu bar.

  • This searches through the files in the package.
  • Also searches for function names and can go to that function in the file

Type "DESCRIPTION" and open that file.


  • "Title - What the Package Does (Title Case)
  • "Author: YOURNAME"
  • "Maintainer: YOURNAME your@email.com"
  • "Description: Use paragraph prose here. Don't start with word package" Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.
  • "License: ", one of GPL-2 GPL-3 LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 LGPL-3 AGPL-3 Artistic-2.0 BSD_2_clause BSD_3_clause MIT

DESCRIPTION file: additional fields

  • Imports: package1, package2
  • packages with specific functions called in package
  • Depends: package3, package5
  • packages with ALL functions loaded from package
  • Suggests: package4, package6
  • used in examples or vignettes


Roxygen allows for functions and documentation in the same file. Let's make a function:

top = function(x, n) {
  xx = x[1:n, 1:n]

Save this to top.R file in R/ (where R functions are). Delete hello.R file.


Highlight the following code:

top = function(x, n) {

Go to Code -> Insert Roxygen Skeleton

Roxygen Skeleton:


#' Title
#' @param x 
#' @param n 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples

Roxygen Skeleton:

Add @title and @description tags:

#' @title
#' @description
#' @param x 
#' @param n 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples

Roxygen Skeleton:

  • @param stands for a parameter/argument for that function.
  • @return denotes what the function returns. This is required.
  • @export - when people install your package, can they use this function
  • non-exported functions are usually helpers, really small, or not fully formed yet
  • @examples - code to show how the function works. Wrap functions in \dontrun{} if not wanted to run

Roxygen Skeleton:

#' @title Print the top of a matrix
#' @description \code{top} is a small function to not just present the first rows
#' of a matrix, but also the first number of columns
#' @param x a \code{matrix}
#' @param n Number of rows and columns to display of the matrix
#' @return A \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' mat = matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10)
#' top(mat, n = 4)
#' \dontrun{
#'    top(mat, n = 10)
#' }


The NAMESPACE files tells the R package what to import and export. In Roxygen:

  • @export - adds this to the NAMESPACE file
  • when package is installed, users can call this function
  • @import - in roxygen, if you want to import a package, you say @import PACKAGENAME
  • imports ALL functions from that package
  • if package is listed under Depends in DESCRIPTION, then the whole package is loaded when you load your package
  • otherwise it simply exposes them for your package to use them, but not the user, users still have to do library(PACKAGENAME)


  • @importFrom - in roxygen, if you want to import a function, you say @import PACKAGENAME func1 func2
  • only imports these functions. Better way of doing things.
  • if pkgA has function A and pkgB has functions A and B, if @import pkgA A, @import pkgB B, then if you call A(), R knows it's from pkgA
  • you must import anything explicitly other than from the base package, includying anything from stats (e.g. quantile) or graphics (e.g. hist)

Add @importFrom graphics hist to your top.R file

Build and Reload

  • Go to Build -> Build and Reload the package
    • First time you may see some warnings (no NAMESPACE file!)
    • Rerunning should get rid of these
    • look in the folders
  • Then try Build -> Check Package