
This document depends on the following packages:


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Logistic regression

Load the data

Here we use example SNP data from a case-control genome-wide association study Load an example data set and take a smaller subset of samples for computational efficiency

use <- seq(1, ncol(snps.10), 10)
sub.10 <- snps.10[,use]

Calculate the PCs

xxmat <- xxt(sub.10, correct.for.missing=FALSE)
evv <- eigen(xxmat, symmetric=TRUE)
pcs <- evv$vectors[,1:5]

A single logistic regression

First we do an unadjusted logistic regression assuming an additive model.The coefficient is the change in log-odds for a one unit decrease (because homozygous major allele is coded 1) in the number of copies of the minor allele.

snpdata = sub.10@.Data
status =$cc
snp1 = as.numeric(snpdata[,1])
snp1[snp1==0] = NA
glm1 = glm(status ~ snp1,family="binomial")
##          term   estimate std.error  statistic   p.value
## 1 (Intercept)  0.1122026 0.2322000  0.4832155 0.6289427
## 2        snp1 -0.1010806 0.2012159 -0.5023489 0.6154221

We can also easily code in other models. For example suppose we want to code a dominant model (so only an association of risk with the two copies of the common allele, now the coefficient on snp1_dom is the increase in log odds associated with two copies of the major allele).

snp1_dom = (snp1 == 1)
glm1_dom = glm(status ~ snp1_dom,family="binomial")
##           term   estimate std.error  statistic   p.value
## 1  (Intercept) -0.1112256 0.1927477 -0.5770531 0.5639036
## 2 snp1_domTRUE  0.1248313 0.2041740  0.6113966 0.5409371
##          term   estimate std.error  statistic   p.value
## 1 (Intercept)  0.1122026 0.2322000  0.4832155 0.6289427
## 2        snp1 -0.1010806 0.2012159 -0.5023489 0.6154221

We can also easily adjust for other variables.

glm2 = glm(status ~ snp1 + pcs[,1:5],family="binomial")
##          term    estimate std.error   statistic     p.value
## 1 (Intercept)  0.08993531 0.2341663  0.38406597 0.700929553
## 2        snp1 -0.08072045 0.2029343 -0.39776640 0.690802386
## 3 pcs[, 1:5]1  5.11070256 2.0261844  2.52232842 0.011658081
## 4 pcs[, 1:5]2  0.16534907 2.0365104  0.08119235 0.935288981
## 5 pcs[, 1:5]3  2.40608659 2.0434133  1.17748405 0.239002361
## 6 pcs[, 1:5]4 -5.39830830 2.0466337 -2.63765245 0.008348209
## 7 pcs[, 1:5]5  0.58408419 2.0355288  0.28694470 0.774154663

Fit many glms at once

For logistic regression modeling of many SNPs at once we can use the snps.rhs.tests function which computes an asymptotic chi-squared statistic. This isn’t quite the same thing as the F-statistics we have been calculating but can be used in the same way for significance calculations.

glm_all = snp.rhs.tests(status ~ 1,
## [1] "snp.names" "var.names" "chisq"     "df"        "N"

##           N     omitted      lambda 
## 2851.000000    0.000000    1.657571

We can also adjust for variables like principal components

glm_all_adj = snp.rhs.tests(status ~ pcs,

##            N      omitted       lambda 
## 2851.0000000    0.0000000    0.9770849

Poisson/negative binomial regression

Download the data

Here we are going to use some data from the paper Evaluating gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mouse striatum using RNA-Seq and microarrays. that is a comparative RNA-seq analysis of different mouse strains.

con =url("")
bot = bottomly.eset
fdata = fData(bot)
##  [1] "bot"             "bottomly.eset"   "con"            
##  [4] "edata"           "evv"             "fdata"          
##  [7] "glm_all"         "glm_all_adj"     "glm1"           
## [10] "glm1_dom"        "glm2"            "pcs"            
## [13] "pdata"           ""     "snp1"           
## [16] "snp1_dom"        "snpdata"         "snps.10"        
## [19] "status"          "sub.10"          ""
## [22] "tropical"        "use"             "xxmat"

Transform the data

Here we remove lowly expressed genes but we will leave them as counts

edata = edata[rowMeans(edata) > 10, ]

A single Poisson regression

The coefficient in this case is the increase in the log number of counts comparing one strain to the other. If you exponentiate the coefficients then \(\exp(intercept)\) is expected count for C57BL/6J and \(\exp(intercept)\exp(strainDBA/2J)\) is the expected count for the strain DBA/2J.

glm3 = glm(edata[1, ] ~ pdata$strain,family="poisson")
##                 term   estimate  std.error  statistic     p.value
## 1        (Intercept) 6.23988591 0.01396450 446.839073 0.000000000
## 2 pdata$strainDBA/2J 0.04982967 0.01907011   2.612972 0.008975864

You can also fit a negative binomial regression one at a time in R with:

glm.nb1 = glm.nb(edata[1, ] ~ pdata$strain)
##                 term   estimate std.error  statistic   p.value
## 1        (Intercept) 6.23988591 0.1205228 51.7735102 0.0000000
## 2 pdata$strainDBA/2J 0.04982967 0.1665002  0.2992768 0.7647288

Multiple negative binomial regressions

We can use the DESeq2 package to perform many (moderated) negative binomial regressions at once. We first need to create a DESeq data set.

de = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(edata, pdata, ~strain)
glm_all_nb = DESeq(de)
result_nb = results(glm_all_nb)

More information

You can find a lot more information on this model fitting strategy in:

Session information

Here is the session information

##  setting  value                       
##  version  R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18)
##  system   x86_64, darwin10.8.0        
##  ui       RStudio (0.99.447)          
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##  package           * version     date      
##  acepack             1.3-3.3     2014-11-24
##  annotate            1.46.1      2015-07-11
##  AnnotationDbi     * 1.30.1      2015-04-26
##  assertthat          0.1         2013-12-06
##  BiasedUrn         * 1.06.1      2013-12-29
##  Biobase           * 2.28.0      2015-04-17
##  BiocGenerics      * 0.14.0      2015-04-17
##  BiocInstaller     * 1.18.4      2015-07-22
##  BiocParallel        1.2.20      2015-08-07
##  biomaRt             2.24.0      2015-04-17
##  Biostrings          2.36.3      2015-08-12
##  bitops              1.0-6       2013-08-17
##  bladderbatch      * 1.6.0       2015-08-26
##  broom             * 0.3.7       2015-05-06
##  caTools             1.17.1      2014-09-10
##  cluster             2.0.3       2015-07-21
##  colorspace          1.2-6       2015-03-11
##  corpcor             1.6.8       2015-07-08
##  curl                0.9.2       2015-08-08
##  DBI               * 0.3.1       2014-09-24
##  dendextend        * 1.1.0       2015-07-31
##  DESeq2            * 1.8.1       2015-05-02
##  devtools          * 1.8.0       2015-05-09
##  digest              0.6.8       2014-12-31
##  dplyr             * 0.4.3       2015-09-01
##  edge              * 2.1.0       2015-09-06
##  evaluate            0.7.2       2015-08-13
##  foreign             0.8-66      2015-08-19
##  formatR             1.2         2015-04-21
##  Formula           * 1.2-1       2015-04-07
##  futile.logger       1.4.1       2015-04-20
##  futile.options      1.0.0       2010-04-06
##  gdata               2.17.0      2015-07-04
##  genefilter        * 1.50.0      2015-04-17
##  geneLenDataBase   * 1.4.0       2015-09-06
##  geneplotter         1.46.0      2015-04-17
##  GenomeInfoDb      * 1.4.2       2015-08-15
##  GenomicAlignments   1.4.1       2015-04-24
##  GenomicFeatures     1.20.2      2015-08-14
##  GenomicRanges     * 1.20.5      2015-06-09
##  genstats          * 0.1.02      2015-09-05
##  ggplot2           * 1.0.1       2015-03-17
##  git2r               0.11.0      2015-08-12
##  GO.db               3.1.2       2015-09-06
##  goseq             * 1.20.0      2015-04-17
##  gplots            * 2.17.0      2015-05-02
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##  gtable              0.1.2       2012-12-05
##  gtools              3.5.0       2015-05-29
##  highr               0.5         2015-04-21
##  HistData          * 0.7-5       2014-04-26
##  Hmisc             * 3.16-0      2015-04-30
##  htmltools           0.2.6       2014-09-08
##  httr                1.0.0       2015-06-25
##  IRanges           * 2.2.7       2015-08-09
##  KernSmooth          2.23-15     2015-06-29
##  knitr             * 1.11        2015-08-14
##  lambda.r            1.1.7       2015-03-20
##  lattice           * 0.20-33     2015-07-14
##  latticeExtra        0.6-26      2013-08-15
##  lazyeval            0.1.10      2015-01-02
##  limma             * 3.24.15     2015-08-06
##  lme4                1.1-9       2015-08-20
##  locfit              1.5-9.1     2013-04-20
##  magrittr            1.5         2014-11-22
##  MASS              * 7.3-43      2015-07-16
##  Matrix            * 1.2-2       2015-07-08
##  MatrixEQTL        * 2.1.1       2015-02-03
##  memoise             0.2.1       2014-04-22
##  mgcv              * 1.8-7       2015-07-23
##  minqa               1.2.4       2014-10-09
##  mnormt              1.5-3       2015-05-25
##  munsell             0.4.2       2013-07-11
##  nlme              * 3.1-122     2015-08-19
##  nloptr              1.0.4       2014-08-04
##  nnet                7.3-10      2015-06-29
##      * 3.1.2       2015-07-17
##  plyr                1.8.3       2015-06-12
##  preprocessCore    * 1.30.0      2015-04-17
##  proto               0.3-10      2012-12-22
##  psych               1.5.6       2015-07-08
##  qvalue            * 2.0.0       2015-04-17
##  R6                  2.1.1       2015-08-19
##  RColorBrewer        1.1-2       2014-12-07
##  Rcpp              * 0.12.0      2015-07-25
##  RcppArmadillo     * 0.5.400.2.0 2015-08-17
##  RCurl               1.95-4.7    2015-06-30
##  reshape2            1.4.1       2014-12-06
##  rmarkdown           0.7         2015-06-13
##  rpart               4.1-10      2015-06-29
##  Rsamtools           1.20.4      2015-06-01
##  RSkittleBrewer    * 1.1         2015-09-05
##  RSQLite           * 1.0.0       2014-10-25
##  rstudioapi          0.3.1       2015-04-07
##  rtracklayer         1.28.9      2015-08-19
##  rversions           1.0.2       2015-07-13
##  S4Vectors         * 0.6.5       2015-09-01
##  scales              0.3.0       2015-08-25
##  snm                 1.16.0      2015-04-17
##  snpStats          * 1.18.0      2015-04-17
##  stringi             0.5-5       2015-06-29
##  stringr             1.0.0       2015-04-30
##  survival          * 2.38-3      2015-07-02
##  sva               * 3.14.0      2015-04-17
##  tidyr               0.2.0       2014-12-05
##  UsingR            * 2.0-5       2015-08-06
##  whisker             0.3-2       2013-04-28
##  XML                 3.98-1.3    2015-06-30
##  xml2                0.1.2       2015-09-01
##  xtable              1.7-4       2014-09-12
##  XVector             0.8.0       2015-04-17
##  yaml                2.1.13      2014-06-12
##  zlibbioc            1.14.0      2015-04-17
##  source                                      
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  Bioconductor                                
##  Bioconductor                                
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  Bioconductor                                
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
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##  Bioconductor                                
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.2)                              
##  Github (jdstorey/edge@a1947b5)              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.2)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.1)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.1)                              
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##  Bioconductor                                
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##  local                                       
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.2)                              
##  Bioconductor                                
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
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##  Bioconductor                                
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.1)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.1)                              
##  Bioconductor                                
##  Github (alyssafrazee/RSkittleBrewer@0a96a20)
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  Bioconductor                                
##  CRAN (R 3.2.1)                              
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.2)                              
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.1)                              
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##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  Bioconductor                                
##  CRAN (R 3.2.0)                              
##  Bioconductor

It is also useful to compile the time the document was processed. This document was processed on: 2015-09-06.