
Jeffrey Leek
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Pro tip

A major competitive edge right now in statistics is to not care about the method and to just do what works. It seems like a really simple thing, but our field values people who invent methods and so people are often very attached to the thing they invented. If you aren't attached and just care about using a method that gives a good answer, you have a major competitive advantage in real data analysis.

Papers of the day

Who predicts?

  • Local governments -> pension payments
  • Google -> whether you will click on an ad
  • Amazon -> what movies you will watch
  • Insurance companies -> what your risk of death is
  • Johns Hopkins -> who will succeed in their programs

Why predict? Glory!

Why predict? Riches!

Why predict? For sport!

Why predict? To save lives!

A useful (if a bit advanced) book

A useful package

The central dogma of prediction

Components of a predictor

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

Start with a general question

Can I automatically detect emails that are SPAM that are not?

Make it concrete

Can I use quantitative characteristics of the emails to classify them as SPAM/HAM?

SPAM Example

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

Dear Jeff,

Can you send me your address so I can send you the invitation?



SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

Dear Jeff,

Can you send me your address so I can send you the invitation?



Frequency of you \(= 2/17 = 0.118\)

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

  make address  all num3d  our over remove internet order mail receive will people report addresses
1 0.00    0.64 0.64     0 0.32 0.00   0.00     0.00  0.00 0.00    0.00 0.64   0.00   0.00      0.00
2 0.21    0.28 0.50     0 0.14 0.28   0.21     0.07  0.00 0.94    0.21 0.79   0.65   0.21      0.14
3 0.06    0.00 0.71     0 1.23 0.19   0.19     0.12  0.64 0.25    0.38 0.45   0.12   0.00      1.75
4 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 0.63 0.00   0.31     0.63  0.31 0.63    0.31 0.31   0.31   0.00      0.00
5 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 0.63 0.00   0.31     0.63  0.31 0.63    0.31 0.31   0.31   0.00      0.00
6 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 1.85 0.00   0.00     1.85  0.00 0.00    0.00 0.00   0.00   0.00      0.00
  free business email  you credit your font num000 money hp hpl george num650 lab labs telnet
1 0.32     0.00  1.29 1.93   0.00 0.96    0   0.00  0.00  0   0      0      0   0    0      0
2 0.14     0.07  0.28 3.47   0.00 1.59    0   0.43  0.43  0   0      0      0   0    0      0
3 0.06     0.06  1.03 1.36   0.32 0.51    0   1.16  0.06  0   0      0      0   0    0      0
4 0.31     0.00  0.00 3.18   0.00 0.31    0   0.00  0.00  0   0      0      0   0    0      0
5 0.31     0.00  0.00 3.18   0.00 0.31    0   0.00  0.00  0   0      0      0   0    0      0
6 0.00     0.00  0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00    0   0.00  0.00  0   0      0      0   0    0      0
  num857 data num415 num85 technology num1999 parts pm direct cs meeting original project   re  edu
1      0    0      0     0          0    0.00     0  0   0.00  0       0     0.00       0 0.00 0.00
2      0    0      0     0          0    0.07     0  0   0.00  0       0     0.00       0 0.00 0.00
3      0    0      0     0          0    0.00     0  0   0.06  0       0     0.12       0 0.06 0.06
4      0    0      0     0          0    0.00     0  0   0.00  0       0     0.00       0 0.00 0.00
5      0    0      0     0          0    0.00     0  0   0.00  0       0     0.00       0 0.00 0.00
6      0    0      0     0          0    0.00     0  0   0.00  0       0     0.00       0 0.00 0.00
  table conference charSemicolon charRoundbracket charSquarebracket charExclamation charDollar
1     0          0          0.00            0.000                 0           0.778      0.000
2     0          0          0.00            0.132                 0           0.372      0.180
3     0          0          0.01            0.143                 0           0.276      0.184
4     0          0          0.00            0.137                 0           0.137      0.000
5     0          0          0.00            0.135                 0           0.135      0.000
6     0          0          0.00            0.223                 0           0.000      0.000
  charHash capitalAve capitalLong capitalTotal type
1    0.000      3.756          61          278 spam
2    0.048      5.114         101         1028 spam
3    0.010      9.821         485         2259 spam
4    0.000      3.537          40          191 spam
5    0.000      3.537          40          191 spam
6    0.000      3.000          15           54 spam

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

     col="blue",main="",xlab="Frequency of 'your'")
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

Our algorithm

  • Find a value \(C\).
  • frequency of 'your' \(>\) C predict "spam"

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

     col="blue",main="",xlab="Frequency of 'your'")
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

SPAM Example

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

prediction <- ifelse(spam$your > 0.5,"spam","nonspam")

prediction nonspam   spam
   nonspam  0.4590 0.1017
   spam     0.1469 0.2923

Accuracy$ \approx 0.459 + 0.292 = 0.751$

An important point

The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data.

John Tukey

Garbage in = Garbage out

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

  1. May be easy (movie ratings -> new movie ratings)
  2. May be harder (gene expression data -> disease)
  3. Depends on what is a "good prediction".
  4. Often more data > better models
  5. The most important step!

Features matter!

question -> input data -> features -> algorithm -> parameters -> evaluation

Properties of good features

  • Lead to data compression
  • Retain relevant information
  • Are created based on expert application knowledge

Common mistakes

  • Trying to automate feature selection
  • Not paying attention to data-specific quirks
  • Throwing away information unnecessarily

May be automated with care

Algorithms matter less than you'd think

Issues to consider

Prediction is about accuracy tradeoffs

  • Interpretability versus accuracy
  • Speed versus accuracy
  • Simplicity versus accuracy
  • Scalability versus accuracy

Interpretability matters

Scalability matters

In sample versus out of sample

In Sample Error: The error rate you get on the same data set you used to build your predictor. Sometimes called resubstitution error.

Out of Sample Error: The error rate you get on a new data set. Sometimes called generalization error.

Key ideas

  1. Out of sample error is what you care about
  2. In sample error \(<\) out of sample error
  3. The reason is overfitting
    • Matching your algorithm to the data you have

In sample versus out of sample errors

library(kernlab); data(spam); set.seed(333)
smallSpam <- spam[sample(dim(spam)[1],size=10),]
spamLabel <- (smallSpam$type=="spam")*1 + 1
plot of chunk loadDataII

Prediction rule 1

  • capitalAve \(>\) 2.7 = "spam"
  • capitalAve \(<\) 2.40 = "nonspam"
  • capitalAve between 2.40 and 2.45 = "spam"
  • capitalAve between 2.45 and 2.7 = "nonspam"

Apply Rule 1 to smallSpam

rule1 <- function(x){
  prediction <- rep(NA,length(x))
  prediction[x > 2.7] <- "spam"
  prediction[x < 2.40] <- "nonspam"
  prediction[(x >= 2.40 & x <= 2.45)] <- "spam"
  prediction[(x > 2.45 & x <= 2.70)] <- "nonspam"

          nonspam spam
  nonspam       5    0
  spam          0    5

Prediction rule 2

  • capitalAve \(>\) 2.40 = "spam"
  • capitalAve \(\leq\) 2.40 = "nonspam"

Apply Rule 2 to smallSpam

rule2 <- function(x){
  prediction <- rep(NA,length(x))
  prediction[x > 2.8] <- "spam"
  prediction[x <= 2.8] <- "nonspam"

          nonspam spam
  nonspam       5    1
  spam          0    4

Apply to complete spam data


          nonspam spam
  nonspam    2141  588
  spam        647 1225

          nonspam spam
  nonspam    2224  642
  spam        564 1171
[1] 0.7316
[1] 0.7379

Look at accuracy

[1] 3366
[1] 3395

Basic terms

In general, Positive = identified and negative = rejected. Therefore:

True positive = correctly identified

False positive = incorrectly identified

True negative = correctly rejected

False negative = incorrectly rejected

Medical testing example:

True positive = Sick people correctly diagnosed as sick

False positive= Healthy people incorrectly identified as sick

True negative = Healthy people correctly identified as healthy

False negative = Sick people incorrectly identified as healthy.

Define your error rate

Key quantities

Key quantities as fractions

Screening tests

General population

General population as fractions

At risk subpopulation

At risk subpopulation as fraction

Key public health issue

Key public health issue

For continuous data

Mean squared error (MSE):

\[\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (Prediction_i - Truth_i)^2\]

Root mean squared error (RMSE):

\[\sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n(Prediction_i - Truth_i)^2}\]

Common error measures

  1. Mean squared error (or root mean squared error)
    • Continuous data, sensitive to outliers
  2. Median absolute deviation
    • Continuous data, often more robust
  3. Sensitivity (recall)
    • If you want few missed positives
  4. Specificity
    • If you want few negatives called positives
  5. Accuracy
    • Weights false positives/negatives equally
  6. Concordance
  7. Predictive value of a positive (precision)

    • When you are screeing and prevelance is low

    ROC curves

ROC Curve example

Area under the curve

Prediction and association

What is good?

Study design

Key idea

  1. Accuracy on the training set (resubstitution accuracy) is optimistic
  2. A better estimate comes from an independent set (test set accuracy)
  3. But we can't use the test set when building the model or it becomes part of the training set
  4. So we estimate the test set accuracy with the training set.



  1. Use the training set

  2. Split it into training/test sets

  3. Build a model on the training set

  4. Evaluate on the test set

  5. Repeat and average the estimated errors

Used for:

  1. Picking variables to include in a model

  2. Picking the type of prediction function to use

  3. Picking the parameters in the prediction function

  4. Comparing different predictors

Random subsampling


Leave one out


  • For time series data data must be used in "chunks"
  • For k-fold cross validation
    • Larger k = less bias, more variance
    • Smaller k = more bias, less variance
  • Random sampling must be done without replacement
  • Random sampling with replacement is the bootstrap
    • Underestimates of the error
    • Can be corrected, but it is complicated (0.632 Bootstrap)
  • If you cross-validate to pick predictors estimate you must estimate errors on independent data.

A succcessful predictor

Polling data

Weighting the data

Key idea

To predict X use data related to X

Key idea

To predict player performance use data about player performance

Key idea

To predict movie preferences use data about movie preferences

Key idea

To predict hospitalizations use data about hospitalizations

Not a hard rule

Looser connection = harder prediction

Data properties matter

Unrelated data is the most common mistake

The caret R package

Caret functionality

  • Some preprocessing (cleaning)
    • preProcess
  • Data splitting
    • createDataPartition
    • createResample
    • createTimeSlices
  • Training/testing functions
    • train
    • predict
  • Model comparison
    • confusionMatrix

Machine learning algorithms in R

  • Linear discriminant analysis
  • Regression
  • Naive Bayes
  • Support vector machines
  • Classification and regression trees
  • Random forests
  • Boosting
  • etc.

Why caret?

SPAM Example: Data splitting

library(caret); library(kernlab); data(spam)
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=spam$type,
                              p=0.75, list=FALSE)
training <- spam[inTrain,]
testing <- spam[-inTrain,]
[1] 3451   58

SPAM Example: Fit a model

modelFit <- train(type ~.,data=training, method="glm")
Generalized Linear Model 

3451 samples
  57 predictors
   2 classes: 'nonspam', 'spam' 

No pre-processing
Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps) 

Summary of sample sizes: 3451, 3451, 3451, 3451, 3451, 3451, ... 

Resampling results

  Accuracy  Kappa  Accuracy SD  Kappa SD
  0.9       0.8    0.02         0.05    

SPAM Example: Final model

modelFit <- train(type ~.,data=training, method="glm")

Call:  NULL

      (Intercept)               make            address                all              num3d  
        -1.38e+14          -2.32e+14          -1.30e+14           7.97e+13           7.80e+13  
              our               over             remove           internet              order  
         2.23e+14           1.19e+14           3.08e+14           2.50e+14           2.88e+14  
             mail            receive               will             people             report  
        -3.15e+13           1.06e+14          -7.04e+13          -2.16e+14          -4.49e+13  
        addresses               free           business              email                you  
        -1.10e+13           1.87e+14           9.34e+13           1.57e+14           4.47e+13  
           credit               your               font             num000              money  
         2.63e+13           2.33e+14           5.36e+13           3.28e+14           1.87e+14  
               hp                hpl             george             num650                lab  
        -2.27e+14          -1.08e+14          -2.17e+14           1.06e+14          -1.76e+14  
             labs             telnet             num857               data             num415  
        -3.17e+13          -7.70e+14           2.23e+14          -2.00e+14          -4.32e+14  
            num85         technology            num1999              parts                 pm  
        -1.30e+14           2.70e+14          -2.87e+12          -2.24e+14          -1.21e+14  
           direct                 cs            meeting           original            project  
         7.15e+13          -3.50e+14          -2.84e+14          -3.52e+14          -3.33e+14  
               re                edu              table         conference      charSemicolon  
        -2.23e+14          -3.06e+14          -4.65e+14          -5.71e+14          -5.09e+14  
 charRoundbracket  charSquarebracket    charExclamation         charDollar           charHash  
        -1.67e+14          -1.78e+14           1.88e+14           1.23e+15           3.03e+14  
       capitalAve        capitalLong       capitalTotal  
         4.12e+12           5.61e+11           2.18e+11  

Degrees of Freedom: 3450 Total (i.e. Null);  3393 Residual
Null Deviance:      4630 
Residual Deviance: 30900    AIC: 31000

SPAM Example: Prediction

predictions <- predict(modelFit,newdata=testing)
   [1] spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [12] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [23] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [34] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [45] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [56] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [67] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [78] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
  [89] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [100] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [111] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [122] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [133] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [144] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [155] spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [166] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [177] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [188] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam   
 [199] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [210] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [221] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [232] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [243] spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [254] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [265] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [276] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [287] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [298] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [309] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [320] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [331] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [342] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [353] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [364] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [375] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [386] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [397] spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam
 [408] nonspam spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam   
 [419] spam    spam    nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [430] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam   
 [441] spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam   
 [452] spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [463] spam    nonspam spam    nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam
 [474] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
 [485] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [496] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [507] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
 [518] spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [529] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [540] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
 [551] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    spam   
 [562] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam   
 [573] spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [584] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
 [595] nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam
 [606] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [617] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [628] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [639] spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [650] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [661] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [672] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam
 [683] nonspam nonspam spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [694] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam
 [705] nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [716] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam   
 [727] nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [738] spam    spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    spam    nonspam spam   
 [749] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [760] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [771] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [782] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [793] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [804] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam   
 [815] nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    spam    nonspam
 [826] spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [837] nonspam nonspam spam    spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [848] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
 [859] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
 [870] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [881] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
 [892] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [903] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [914] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
 [925] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
 [936] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [947] spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [958] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [969] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
 [980] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
 [991] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
[1002] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
[1013] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
[1024] nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam   
[1035] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
[1046] nonspam nonspam spam    spam    spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
[1057] nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam nonspam
[1068] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam
[1079] nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam   
[1090] spam    spam    nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam
[1101] nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    spam    nonspam
[1112] spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam
[1123] nonspam spam    spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam
[1134] nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam   
[1145] nonspam nonspam nonspam nonspam spam    nonspam
Levels: nonspam spam

SPAM Example: Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction nonspam spam
   nonspam     555   14
   spam        142  439

               Accuracy : 0.864         
                 95% CI : (0.843, 0.884)
    No Information Rate : 0.606         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16        

                  Kappa : 0.729         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : <2e-16        

            Sensitivity : 0.796         
            Specificity : 0.969         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.975         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.756         
             Prevalence : 0.606         
         Detection Rate : 0.483         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.495         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.883         

       'Positive' Class : nonspam       

SPAM Example: Data splitting

library(caret); library(kernlab); data(spam)
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=spam$type,
                              p=0.75, list=FALSE)
training <- spam[inTrain,]
testing <- spam[-inTrain,]
[1] 3451   58

SPAM Example: K-fold

folds <- createFolds(y=spam$type,k=10,
Fold01 Fold02 Fold03 Fold04 Fold05 Fold06 Fold07 Fold08 Fold09 Fold10 
  4141   4140   4141   4142   4140   4142   4141   4141   4140   4141 
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

SPAM Example: Return test

folds <- createFolds(y=spam$type,k=10,
Fold01 Fold02 Fold03 Fold04 Fold05 Fold06 Fold07 Fold08 Fold09 Fold10 
   460    461    460    459    461    459    460    460    461    460 
 [1] 24 27 32 40 41 43 55 58 63 68

SPAM Example: Resampling

folds <- createResample(y=spam$type,times=10,
Resample01 Resample02 Resample03 Resample04 Resample05 Resample06 Resample07 Resample08 Resample09 
      4601       4601       4601       4601       4601       4601       4601       4601       4601 
 [1]  1  2  3  3  3  5  5  7  8 12

SPAM Example: Time Slices

tme <- 1:1000
folds <- createTimeSlices(y=tme,initialWindow=20,
[1] "train" "test" 
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 [1] 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Further information