Reading mySQL

Jeffrey Leek
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Example structure

Step 1 - Install MySQL

Step 2 - Install RMySQL

Example - UCSC database


Connecting and listing databases

ucscDb <- dbConnect(MySQL(),user="genome", 
result <- dbGetQuery(ucscDb,"show databases;"); dbDisconnect(ucscDb);
[1] TRUE
1   information_schema
2              ailMel1
3              allMis1
4              anoCar1
5              anoCar2
6              anoGam1
7              apiMel1
8              apiMel2
9              aplCal1
10             bosTau2
11             bosTau3
12             bosTau4
13             bosTau5
14             bosTau6
15             bosTau7
16           bosTauMd3
17             braFlo1
18             caeJap1
19              caePb1
20              caePb2
21             caeRem2
22             caeRem3
23             calJac1
24             calJac3
25             canFam1
26             canFam2
27             canFam3
28             cavPor3
29                 cb1
30                 cb3
31                ce10
32                 ce2
33                 ce4
34                 ce6
35             cerSim1
36             choHof1
37             chrPic1
38                 ci1
39                 ci2
40             danRer1
41             danRer2
42             danRer3
43             danRer4
44             danRer5
45             danRer6
46             danRer7
47             dasNov3
48             dipOrd1
49                 dm1
50                 dm2
51                 dm3
52                 dp2
53                 dp3
54             droAna1
55             droAna2
56             droEre1
57             droGri1
58             droMoj1
59             droMoj2
60             droPer1
61             droSec1
62             droSim1
63             droVir1
64             droVir2
65             droYak1
66             droYak2
67             echTel1
68             echTel2
69             equCab1
70             equCab2
71             eriEur1
72             felCat3
73             felCat4
74             felCat5
75                 fr1
76                 fr2
77                 fr3
78             gadMor1
79             galGal2
80             galGal3
81             galGal4
82             gasAcu1
83             geoFor1
84                  go
85            go080130
86             gorGor3
87             hetGla1
88             hetGla2
89                hg16
90                hg17
91                hg18
92                hg19
93         hg19Patch10
94          hg19Patch2
95          hg19Patch5
96          hg19Patch9
97             hgFixed
98              hgTemp
99           hgcentral
100            latCha1
101            loxAfr3
102            macEug1
103            macEug2
104            melGal1
105            melUnd1
106            micMur1
107               mm10
108         mm10Patch1
109                mm5
110                mm6
111                mm7
112                mm8
113                mm9
114            monDom1
115            monDom4
116            monDom5
117            musFur1
118            myoLuc2
119            nomLeu1
120            nomLeu2
121            nomLeu3
122            ochPri2
123            oreNil1
124            oreNil2
125            ornAna1
126            oryCun2
127            oryLat2
128            otoGar3
129            oviAri1
130            oviAri3
131            panTro1
132            panTro2
133            panTro3
134            panTro4
135            papAnu2
136            papHam1
137 performance_schema
138            petMar1
139            petMar2
140            ponAbe2
141            priPac1
142            proCap1
143     proteins120806
144     proteins121210
145           proteome
146            pteVam1
147            rheMac1
148            rheMac2
149            rheMac3
150                rn3
151                rn4
152                rn5
153            sacCer1
154            sacCer2
155            sacCer3
156            saiBol1
157            sarHar1
158            sorAra1
159           sp120323
160           sp121210
161            speTri2
162            strPur1
163            strPur2
164            susScr2
165            susScr3
166            taeGut1
167            tarSyr1
168               test
169            tetNig1
170            tetNig2
171            triMan1
172            tupBel1
173            turTru2
174            uniProt
175            vicPac1
176            vicPac2
177           visiGene
178            xenTro1
179            xenTro2
180            xenTro3

Connecting to hg19 and listing tables

hg19 <- dbConnect(MySQL(),user="genome", db="hg19",
allTables <- dbListTables(hg19)
[1] 10949
[1] "HInv"         "HInvGeneMrna" "acembly"      "acemblyClass" "acemblyPep"  

Get dimensions of a specific table

 [1] "bin"         "matches"     "misMatches"  "repMatches"  "nCount"      "qNumInsert" 
 [7] "qBaseInsert" "tNumInsert"  "tBaseInsert" "strand"      "qName"       "qSize"      
[13] "qStart"      "qEnd"        "tName"       "tSize"       "tStart"      "tEnd"       
[19] "blockCount"  "blockSizes"  "qStarts"     "tStarts"    
dbGetQuery(hg19, "select count(*) from affyU133Plus2")
1    58463

Read from the table

affyData <- dbReadTable(hg19, "affyU133Plus2")
  bin matches misMatches repMatches nCount qNumInsert qBaseInsert tNumInsert tBaseInsert strand
1 585     530          4          0     23          3          41          3         898      -
2 585    3355         17          0    109          9          67          9       11621      -
3 585    4156         14          0     83         16          18          2          93      -
4 585    4667          9          0     68         21          42          3        5743      -
5 585    5180         14          0    167         10          38          1          29      -
6 585     468          5          0     14          0           0          0           0      -
         qName qSize qStart qEnd tName     tSize tStart  tEnd blockCount
1  225995_x_at   637      5  603  chr1 249250621  14361 15816          5
2  225035_x_at  3635      0 3548  chr1 249250621  14381 29483         17
3  226340_x_at  4318      3 4274  chr1 249250621  14399 18745         18
4 1557034_s_at  4834     48 4834  chr1 249250621  14406 24893         23
5    231811_at  5399      0 5399  chr1 249250621  19688 25078         11
6    236841_at   487      0  487  chr1 249250621  27542 28029          1
1                                                          93,144,229,70,21,
2              73,375,71,165,303,360,198,661,201,1,260,250,74,73,98,155,163,
3                 690,10,32,33,376,4,5,15,5,11,7,41,277,859,141,51,443,1253,
4 99,352,286,24,49,14,6,5,8,149,14,44,98,12,10,355,837,59,8,1500,133,624,58,
5                                       131,26,1300,6,4,11,4,7,358,3359,155,
6                                                                       487,
1                                                                                    34,132,278,541,611,
2                        87,165,540,647,818,1123,1484,1682,2343,2545,2546,2808,3058,3133,3206,3317,3472,
3                   44,735,746,779,813,1190,1195,1201,1217,1223,1235,1243,1285,1564,2423,2565,2617,3062,
4 0,99,452,739,764,814,829,836,842,851,1001,1016,1061,1160,1173,1184,1540,2381,2441,2450,3951,4103,4728,
5                                                     0,132,159,1460,1467,1472,1484,1489,1497,1856,5244,
6                                                                                                     0,
1                                                                                                             14361,14454,14599,14968,15795,
2                                     14381,14454,14969,15075,15240,15543,15903,16104,16853,17054,17232,17492,17914,17988,18267,24736,29320,
3                               14399,15089,15099,15131,15164,15540,15544,15549,15564,15569,15580,15587,15628,15906,16857,16998,17049,17492,
4 14406,20227,20579,20865,20889,20938,20952,20958,20963,20971,21120,21134,21178,21276,21288,21298,21653,22492,22551,22559,24059,24211,24835,
5                                                                         19688,19819,19845,21145,21151,21155,21166,21170,21177,21535,24923,
6                                                                                                                                     27542,

Select a specific subset

query <- dbSendQuery(hg19, "select * from affyU133Plus2 where misMatches between 1 and 3")
affyMis <- fetch(query); quantile(affyMis$misMatches)
  0%  25%  50%  75% 100% 
   1    1    2    2    3 
affyMisSmall <- fetch(query,n=10); dbClearResult(query);
[1] TRUE
[1] 10 22

Don't forget to close the connection!

[1] TRUE

Further resources