Statistics for Genomic Data Science

Instructor: Jeff Leek

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Course Materials

Week/Lecture Lecture Video Notes Code
0/1 Welcome Google Slides pdf
0/2 What is statistics? Google Slides pdf
0/3 Finding statistics you can trust Google Slides pdf
0/4 Getting help Google Slides pdf
0/5 What is data? Google Slides pdf
0/6 Representing data Google Slides pdf
1/1 Week 1 Introduction Google Slides pdf
1/2 Reproducible research Google Slides pdf
1/3 Achieving reproducible research Google Slides pdf NA
1/4 R markdown html R markdown R code
1/5 The three tables in genomics Google Slides pdf
1/6 The three tables in genomics (in R) html R markdown R code
1/7 Experimental Design: variability, replication, and power Google Slides pdf NA
1/8 Experimental Design: confounding and randomization Google Slides pdf
1/9 Exploratory Analysis Google Slides pdf
1/10 Exploratory Analysis in R html R markdown R code
1/11 Data transforms html R markdown R code
1/12 Clustering Google Slides pdf
1/13 Clustering in R html R markdown R code
2/1 Week 2 Introduction Google Slides pdf
2/2 Dimension reduction Google Slides pdf
2/3 Dimension reduction (in R) html R markdown R code
2/4 Pre-processing and normalization Google Slides pdf
2/5 Quantile normalization (in R) html R markdown R code
2/6 The linear model Google Slides pdf html R markdown R code
2/7 Linear models with categorical covariates Google Slides pdf
2/8 Adjusting for covariates Google Slides pdf html R markdown R code
2/9 Linear regression in R html R markdown R code
2/10 Many regressions at once Google Slides pdf
2/11 Many regressions in R html R markdown R code
2/12 Batch effects and confounders Google Slides pdf
2/13 Batch effecs in R html R markdown R code
3/1 Week 3 Introduction Google Slides pdf
3/2 Logistic regression Google Slides pdf
3/3 Regression for counts Google Slides pdf
3/4 GLMs in R html R markdown R code
3/5 Inference Google Slides pdf
3/6 Null and alternative hypotheses Google Slides pdf
3/7 Calculating statistics Google Slides pdf
3/8 Comparing models Google Slides pdf html R markdown R code
3/9 Calculating statistics in R html R markdown R code
3/10 Permutation Google Slides pdf
3/11 Permutation in R html R markdown R code
3/12 P-values Google Slides pdf
3/13 Multiple testing Google Slides pdf
3/14 P-values and multiple testing in R html R markdown R code
4/1 Week 4 Introduction Google Slides pdf
4/2 Gene set analysis Google Slides pdf
4/3 More enrichment Google Slides pdf
4/4 Gene set analysis in R html R markdown R code
4/5 The process for RNA-seq Google Slides pdf
4/6 The process for Chip-Seq Google Slides pdf
4/7 The process for DNA methylation Google Slides pdf
4/8 The process for GWAS/WGS Google Slides pdf
4/9 Combining data types (eQTL) Google Slides pdf
4/10 eQTL in R html R markdown R code
4/11 Researcher degrees of freedom Google Slides pdf Interesting example
4/12 Inference vs. prediction Google Slides pdf
4/13 Knowing when to get help Google Slides pdf R markdown
4/14 Course Wrap-up Google Slides pdf

Course R package

You can get all of the code used in the class by installing the R package:

biocLite("devtools")    # only if devtools not yet installed

You can see the list of lecture notes and open them using the vignette command:



Feel free to submit typos/errors/etc via the github repository associated with the class:

This web-page is modified from Andrew Jaffe’s Summer 2015 R course, which also has great material if you want to learn R.

This page was last updated on 2015-09-07 07:37:18 Eastern Time.